Cubano-Style Expresso

Cubano-Style Espresso – I wasn’t even looking to go out and buy some tasty ones but I found this beer. We went with our dear friends the Grisler’s (name has been changed to protect the innocent) to Mazzaros in St. Petersburgs Fl. for coffee and some pastries. Hey its what we do. Mazzaro’s is the epitome of a Italian grocery store, that is why it is so special to go to for me. It reminds me of the Italian grocery stores when I was station in Sicily. Just imagine fancy pastries, fresh bread, and Expresso. How much better can it get? Heck we drove half hour to get there and spent $2.00 in bridge tolls. People actually wait in line to get in the door on Saturday mornings. Publix is our high end grocery around here, but so far I have never witnessed this calling by a store to its customers. This place really is a gastrointestinal takedown so to speak. My wife took charge of getting the pastries, and I took charge of the coffee. She showed me what she bought and it filled a large paper bag. Holly molly, she told the attendant to give her one of each on the top shelf. She got the nickname Topshelf for this feat. I salute you Topshelf, for this culinary takedown, we certainly got a delicious sample of everything. By the way we were on the right track with the sweets, Cubano says it pairs with azzuro con leche.
This beer is cool in that Mazzaros teamed up with our local brewer Cigar City to make everything I value in a beer, malty brown and thick, and damn it’s Ale man! Okay now imagine you love coffee brewed so thick you can taste the beans, yeap this happens in spades. I had to use the card reference, by the way did I tell you it was delicious. I did get a little heart burn from this combo, so wouldn’t recommend drinking late at night.

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